Sunday, February 27, 2011


This weekend JADs team played in a soccer tournament in Pueblo, which is about 35 miles south of the Springs. They played a great game yesterday morning, easily winning 3-0. We saw great passing and the boys were actually talking and communicating with one another. It was great! Yesterday afternoon, however, didn't go so well and the team lost 1-4. There were a lot of down faces and jawing on the field as the game continued to tank. It's very interesting observing the boys as they walk away from the field after losing to a team that they should've been pretty even with. Some boys are ready to drop everything and fight. You can just see it on their faces as they walk off the field. They aren't afraid to talk back to the kids on the other team and they are kicking anything within reach because they are so angry. And then other boys are walking off smiling and laughing like they haven't a care in the world. These differences alone can cause so many problems as the two attitudes mix together. The word of the day is 'volatile.' The third game, this morning, went much better than yesterday as we won the game. The boys were tied at the end of the first half, but they came out in the second half acting like they were there to play. They ended the game 2-1. Unfortunately, they didn't make the championship game - two other teams won all their games - but I think they gained some confidence in themselves and as a team.

Outdoor season is fully in swing again. Just look in the back window of my van - there are blankets, a team bench, and chairs all ready to go. Hopefully we don't get any more winter weather from this point forward.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The First Day

Today was JADs first day of school at CMCA. I was so nervous for him this morning, just praying that everything would go well and he wouldn't come home absolutely hating me for putting him in that school. When I talked to him after school, he sounded almost giddy! He knew even more boys than he thought he would and the teachers and students were all extremely kind to him. He seems to have already settled in fairly well (considering it was his first day) and I have not seen him this happy (in relation to school) since we moved from Wisconsin. I think, like I said in an earlier post, that this school in so many ways mirrors our old school and this has helped in leaps and bounds to put JAD at ease. He does have a good amount of homework - more than he would get in a week at the public middle school - but he's even rather jovial about that. Today, he cleared off his desk so that he would have a place to do homework. He is embracing this fully and that is very exciting for me! I just hope that he continues to fit in and make friends at this school. I am a very, very happy mama right now!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A New School

Today I completed the final steps today to enroll JAD at Cheyenne Mountain Charter Academy here in the Springs. This school has a phenomenal educational program - and the highest CSAP and ACT scores in the state. I have been asking this school for well over 3 weeks now if I could enroll him this year. I had to put his application in as part of the lottery (he was drawn third - not bad!) and then beg and plead to just get him tested. The school finally (and grudgingly) agreed to allow him to take placement tests this past Monday. The administration also sent the message along that JAD would have to do extremely well in order to just be considered for enrollment. So on Monday, K took a 1/2 day off work and took JAD for his placement tests. We received the results on Wednesday... and JAD starts school on Tuesday! He had to take tests in writing, reading, grammar, and math. We were told that he missed only one question in grammar and only one question in reading. Why don't people listen to me when I say this kid is gifted? I'm extremely excited for him and I'm pretty sure he's happy, too. This school, in so many ways, reminds me of our dear CLS back in Wisconsin. I'm hoping that he adjusts quickly (at least 2 hours of homework every night) and makes some friends. The nice thing is, he has several friends that already attend the school. The bad thing is, he is the oldest of his friends and they are all in 7th grade. But, beggars can't be choosers and this is an incredible school to be accepted into. I will keep you updated with my progress and JADs as well.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Today is the romantic holiday of Valentine's Day. For weeks, everywhere I've gone there have been flowers, balloons, cards, candy, stuffed animals, clothing - you name it! - for this holiday. Many people have spent the night cuddling with their sweetheart, going out to dinner, romantic candlelight, soft music... Reality is the name of the game in our house, however. K and I have spent the evening apart - I at soccer practice and K at home with the little ones. That's life when you have kids in competitive soccer and three other younger kids. Romantic evenings aren't the norm anymore! Regardless of how we spent the day, I know that I love K more and more everyday... the romantic evenings will come again. One day.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! May you enjoy your day with your special love or those friends that are closest to you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today it hit 70 degrees here in the Springs and it was absolutely glorious! The kids were running around outside in t-shirts and flip flops, riding their bikes pell mell through the cul-de-sac. K and CED played many rounds of Horse after K fixed our wind damaged basketball hoop. I had a great time just sitting outside watching everyone and talking to my very happy kids. Little people came in tonight covered in dirt, but happy as little clams. We are going to continue with similar weather - upper 50s/low 60s - for the next few days and we are going to relish every minute of it. Tomorrow we shouldn't freeze our heinies off at outdoor soccer practice - yay! I hope you are having better weather wherever you are at this moment. Get out and enjoy a little respite from the cold winter weather!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Tonight MED sat down and read an entire picture book to her daddy. She sounded out the big words (words like sometimes!) and breezed through the 20+ page book in no time. She just took our breath away. We have yet another reader on our hands. Soon I won't be able to spell things out loud anymore because she will figure that out, too. Ugh! All my tactics of doing things on the sly are slowly being taken away from me.

MAD also 'read' to me tonight as I was walking on the treadmill. It was the Bible according to MAD. I don't remember some of the Bible stories being what she was telling me, but hey - it worked for her. She was so animated while 'reading' and I was quite entertained. Though I may have to go back and re-read a few stories to see where it says, "You're a meanie-head!" That must be a new interpretation that has just recently come out...

I think this weekend I just may spend a minute or two being read to instead of the other way around. Happy Friday!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Earlier this year, back in January, I wrote this post and mentioned how I wanted to get control of my weight again. Well, I have started and as of today I have lost 20 pounds. My father-in-law inspired me to join Weight Watchers (I'm doing the online version) and the program is really working for me. The great thing is, I can eat as many fruits and vegetables as I want so I'm not always starving. I can eat 'normal' food - nothing is prepackaged to be bought from them - and I'm relearning portion sizes. Of course, it's still hard when some of my favorites are around - pizza, pasta, bread... but I'm learning how much I can have to 'treat' myself and not break the bank. I have a great friend, J, who has been encouraging me along the way and who will get out of her warm house to walk with me in the frigid cold at outdoor soccer practice. I'm finally starting to notice the difference in my clothes and I can't wait to fit into clothes I haven't been able to wear in 2+ years. It's a process, that's for sure, but I feel like I'm finally on the right track and in control. Hopefully I can continue to give you updates as I go... my next goal - 10% of my body weight - is only 2.3 pounds away. I have more energy already and will hopefully soon have more confidence in who I am (it will also help when I find a new job where I'm not constantly being put down!). Now, I'm off to walk.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Concussion is the Word of the Day

I took the day off from school today to take CED to the doctor. Monday night at her soccer game she ended up taking a ball to the head (she was going for the header, but the ball winged a bit at the end and hit her in the temple), which then knocked her off her feet. She finished playing the game, but complained immediately of a headache. The headache has lasted since then and she has been taking ibuprofen like it's going out of style. I really wasn't going to worry about this as she had no other major symptoms, but then CED went to the nurse at school yesterday complaining about her head hurting after PE class. The nurse then called me at school and basically called me a horrible parent for not taking her to the doctor. Guilt. It's a beautiful thing. So, off to the doctor we went today. To hear what I already knew - it's a very mild concussion and we need to do exactly what we've been doing. Wow. I just paid how much to hear that? All because I felt guilty? Ugh. Next time, I'm sticking to my guns.

I did learn something interesting about concussions today, however. People make them out to be so much worse than they really are. Now, I'm not saying that every person that has suffered from a concussion has not had lasting effects. We have all seen (those of us that are old enough) Muhammad Ali and the effects of constant blows to the head and concussion after concussion. This is not what the doctor is referring to. He was telling me that people who panic about concussions really have nothing to worry about unless there is visible confusion immediately, and even days, after the injury. People who are knocked unconscious are really just fine as long as there is no memory loss or confusion. Even nausea and vomiting isn't something that is very worrisome as long as it's not - say it with me - accompanied by confusion and memory loss. Now this is not to say that repeated concussions are okay, because they're certainly not. But I am certainly not going to be guilted into going to the doctor if this ever happens again. What we were doing - rest, sleep, ibuprofen - is exactly what the doctor has prescribed.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Home Again

We've received another gift of a day at home today. Every school district in the Springs has shut down, once again, due to the subzero temperatures. At least today it's not as dangerous as yesterday was with its -25 degree windchill. Today we are warming up to a balmy 2 degrees. I talked to family this morning back in the Midwest and they are just getting hammered. Entire states are telling their residents to stay put and not go out because emergency road crews won't be able to reach them if they become stranded. That's just crazy! Hundreds of flights are being canceled - much to my sister's chagrin who was anticipating her husband coming home from California today. Both of my parents have the day off work. Highway 94 in Wisconsin has been shut down both ways for a good 40 miles. Highway 70 has been shut down in Kansas. What crazy weather! I will enjoy my day, however, and do what I feel like doing... which amounts to much of nothing. Stay warm!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blue Card

I always thought the first blue card (a foul in indoor soccer, for those of you who aren't familiar with this exciting sport) would go to JAD. I was wrong. CED has won that honor. Of course, she had said up until Monday night's game that she would just blow it off if it ever happened. Well, it happened. And she didn't blow it off. She cried. And boy, was she angry. The card came as she slid to save a goal from being scored against her team. It was beautiful! Our normal keeper wasn't at the game, so CED's job as sweeper was even more important - be a defender and protect the goal at all cost. She did her job beautifully. Normally a slide in outdoor soccer wouldn't even garner a glance from the ref. However, the rules are oh-so-different in indoor and sliding, under ANY circumstance, is not allowed. Her coach was very proud of her and said he would take a blue card any day (which carries a two minute penalty - think hockey) over a goal being scored. Now I'm waiting for JAD to join her ranks. He's been 'awarded' several warnings in outdoor and even a yellow card at the ripe ol' age of eleven, but has yet to get a blue card. That's okay. His time is coming. He's too hot-headed to go much longer without one.