Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Whole New Era

Tonight I had a good talk with CEDs indoor coach. We talked about her team - the good and bad - and then the talk turned to JAD. Why JAD, you ask? He's actually trying to RECRUIT my eighth grader for high school next year (oh my gosh - my kid's going to be in high school next year!!!). Coach D is the head boys coach for one of the local high schools that apparently has a phenomenal soccer program. The school is very '21st' century as well; every student receives a laptop and all textbooks are on the computer. Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? Well, it just gets better (yes, I am bragging and I can because this is my blog!). Coach D believes that JAD, at the latest, could make varsity by his sophomore year. Varsity by sophomore? That's amazing! He says that JAD is very sound technically and just needs to gain some confidence one-on-one. It's nice for JAD to hear it from someone other than his parents once in a while. Maybe he'll take us seriously now. Apparently, Coach D also went to our club owner and questioned why JAD wasn't on the premier team. The club owner didn't know how to answer that. All good, good things. JAD was feeling pretty 'on top of the world' tonight; hopefully this will be some of the boost to his confidence that he needs. Meanwhile, K and I have a lot to talk about. We've got a kid to register for high school!

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