Thursday, December 16, 2010

'Tis the Season Part Two

Tonight, MAD had a musical program at her daycare. It was absolutely adorable to see all the little people up on stage in the sanctuary (her daycare is at a church) singing their little hearts out. After the program, a special guest arrived - Santa! MAD was able to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wants (candy and a TOY - no specific toy, just a toy). At first she adamantly refused to sit on his lap, but when she saw a fellow classmate sitting with Santa, she suddenly became game for the opportunity. JED, my date, also sat with Santa and asked for a Nintendo DSi. Santa, being the smart man he is, asked 'What else would you want besides that?' Thank you, Santa, for helping to set up my son for reality - he will NOT be getting a Nintendo DSi for Christmas this year. I love it when adults see reality in the face of pure hope.

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